Vladimíra Petráková, PI
Vladka enjoys applying principles of physics and optics to solve challenges in biology.
Her passion for combining approaches from different fields stem from studies of
biomedical engineering at Czech Technical University in Prague. She builds her research
on the expertise in superresolution microscopy and plasmonic nanomaterials gained
at Free University Berlin, where she worked under the lead of two amazing mentors,
Stephanie Reich and Helge Ewers. Her PhD was all about nanodiamonds.
She is one of the founders of an organization Czexpats in Science that builds
a global network of Czech researchers and fosters their cooperation with the
Czech Republic. Our flagship activity is a yearly Christmas conference “Konference
pod stromeček”, where we discuss career hacks, grant options in Czechia, and many more.
When not working she is catching up on activities of her four children.
Olga Pavlatová, lab manager
Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Veterinary and Pharmacetical Sciencies in Brno
Miroslav Hekrdla, postdoc
image analysis, machine learning. Ph.D. from Czech Technical University, postdoc at Politecnico di Milano and Czech Technical University
Niklas Hansen, PhD student
nanoparticle assembly, DNA origami. Masters in material sciences, Paderborn University in Germany
Soumya Frederick, PhD student
plasmonic enhancement and shifts. Masters in Chemistry from Indian
Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal, India.
Khalilullah Umar, PhD student
DNA dynamics. Masters in Chemistry, Nottingham Trent University, U.K.
Tomáš Chum, microscopy technician
SMLM microscopy. PhD in cellular biology, Charles University, Prague
David Roesel, postdoc
plasmonic ehancement, microscopy. PhD in photonics from EPFL Switzerland
We have openings! Join our group!
We are always looking for motivated students and postdocs!
Please apply if you are interested.
Our collaborators
We are really lucky to have amazing collaborators. These are some of them. If you wish to cooperate, please contact us!
Reich Group
Free University Berlin, Institute of Experimental Physics.
With Stephanie, we collaborate on plasmonics and light matter interaction.
Ewers Group
Free University Berlin, Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
Helge is helping us with superresolution microscopy and proteins
Bald Group
Potsdam University, Department of Physical Chemistry.
With Ilko and his group, we collaborate on DNA origami and nanoparticle assembly.
Cigler Group
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Czech Academy of Sciences. With Petr, we collaborate on nanodiamonds.