Here is some of the media coverage of our research, outreach, and community activities. Most of them are in Czech. A lot of them focus on Vladimíra having a career and a large family, which is still a bit exotic in Czechia.
Radiožurnál, Host Radiožurnálu
With Vladimír Kroc, we talk about our work, the importance of a curiosity-driven research, why we need to support women in science and much more.
Aspen Institute CE
Vladimíra received Aspen CE Madeleine K. Albright Leadership Award together with Julian Gerhart.
Forbes - top vědkyně Česka
Magazín Ta.Di
Žena a život
Magazín Reportér
Český rozhlas 2, noční mikrofórum
Magazín City Life
Magazín Vlasta
Týdeník Hrot
Czech Academy of Sciences
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Summary of two events organized by the Humboldt Foundation where Vladimíra participated.